Herbwise Naturals
35 Broad Street • Westerly • Rhode Island

Rodney Petruska, Proprietor
Susan Adams, Proprietress
Store Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30am to 6:00pm
Sat 9:30am to 5:00pm

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Our Herbwise Home Our Herbwise Home

Welcome to beautiful Southern New England and our store in Westerly, Rhode Island. We are located in downtown Westerly on US Route 1 (Boston Post Road) right across the street from the US Post Office with easy access from Interstate 95 (about 10 minutes). We have a large selection of vitamins, minerals, herbal supplements and homeopathic remedies. Our bulk section has over 250 organic medicinal and culinary herbs and spices, as well as loose teas. Or, if need Bee, The Queen is always ready to happily give a good dose of optimism to send you merrily on your way. Please contact us by email at (NOTE: To email us, copy and paste our email address on the "To:" line of your email send address).

Our Herbwise Home
Natural Personal Care Products. Indigo Wild,
Mad Hippie, Derma-e, Aura Cacia, Andalou
and WS Badger to name a few.
Natural Sunscreens and Bug Sprays.
Bulk Herb and Spices, Homeopathic remedies, Vitamins
and Herbs. Large assortment of teas, Traditional
medicinals, Pukka Tea, Buddha Tea, Republic of Tea,
Ajiri and Celebration Herbals and more.
The woman I married
The mother of our children
Books, Cards, Beeswax Candles, Bucky
Warmers, Fair Trade African Baskets,
Maggie's Organic Cotton Socks,
environmentally friendly household products.
We are a unique source for bulk herbs and
homeopathic remedies headquartered here
in New England for over two decades.
The mother of our children

Please stop in to say Hello.

A Friendly Thought

"Embrace and Enjoy Life. You never see a Brinks Truck following a Hearse." -Ronald J. Parise

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